I vividly remember the day, more than two decades ago, when Karin and I went with our close friend Kosta Kapellas from Kamariza deep inside the Christiana Mine No. 132, to the direct neighbourhood of the famous "Copper Pocket". We worked hard in the roof of the almost 7m high adit. It blasted us away when Kosta came down the ladder and showed us the first specimen,- a large cabinet sized Calcite scalenohedron piece completely coated with Azuritecrystals Most of these Calcite specimens were covered with several copper minerals like Olivenite, Konichalcite, Malachite, etc. And this piece here, is definitely from this pocket. Numerous, spherical crystal aggregates of green Olivenite and Malachite richly coating the limonitic scalenodrons on gossan matrix. A real master piece and still history due to the limited number of recovered specimens.