This is an old-time and rich specimen of rare phosphate Wagnerite from the type locality Höllgraben near Werfen in Austria. Here we have pale meat coloured masses and one indistinct crystal cluster with good luster and striation. Such large and according to circumstances great specimens are exceeding rare and consequently sought after, especially from the local collectors. Wagnerite was named in 1821 by Johann Nepomuk von Fuchs in honor of Franz Michael von Wagner [August 20, 1768 Waldershof, Germany - April 27, 1851 Munich (Germany] , mining administrator at Fichtelberg in 1791, later at Chiemgau in 1794, at Reichenhall and Traunstein in 1803, Schwarz, Tyrol in 1806, etc. In 1820, Wagner became head of mining, salt mines, and the mint. Wagner was also important in the development of mining in Bavaria. (mindat)