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Dioptase & Calcite

Tsumeb Mine | Tsumeb | Otjikoto Region | Namibia

( 35 Bids )

~ 185.35 $
incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Costs
Reserve Price
No reserve Price
3/13/2022 11:15:00 PM(CET)UTC+1
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Article ID
5.6 x 5.2 x 3.2 cm
Size Description
Article ID
5.6 x 5.2 x 3.2 cm
Size Description
Bid History
BidderBid AmountBid Time 
Kekse170.00 €3/13/2022 11:10:21 PM
sandycay165.00 €3/13/2022 11:08:35 PMBidagent autobid
Kekse160.00 €3/13/2022 11:06:12 PMBidagent autobid
sandycay155.00 €3/13/2022 11:06:04 PMBidagent autobid
Kekse150.00 €3/13/2022 11:05:19 PMBidagent autobid
sandycay145.00 €3/13/2022 11:04:54 PMBidagent autobid
Kekse140.00 €3/13/2022 11:04:40 PMBidagent autobid
sandycay135.00 €3/13/2022 11:03:39 PMBidagent autobid
Kekse130.00 €3/13/2022 11:03:17 PMBidagent autobid
sandycay125.00 €3/13/2022 11:02:54 PMBidagent autobid
Kekse120.00 €3/13/2022 11:02:13 PMBidagent autobid
sandycay115.00 €3/13/2022 11:00:41 PMBidagent autobid
Kekse110.00 €3/13/2022 10:59:50 PMBidagent autobid
sandycay105.00 €3/13/2022 10:59:26 PMBidagent autobid
Kekse100.00 €3/13/2022 10:58:22 PMBidagent autobid
Melo95.00 €3/13/2022 10:58:13 PMBidagent autobid
Kekse90.00 €3/13/2022 10:57:46 PMBidagent autobid
Melo85.00 €3/13/2022 10:57:40 PMBidagent autobid
sandycay80.00 €3/13/2022 10:56:59 PMBidagent autobid
Kekse75.00 €3/13/2022 10:56:28 PMBidagent autobid
sandycay70.00 €3/13/2022 10:56:24 PMBidagent autobid
Melo65.00 €3/13/2022 10:55:26 PMBidagent autobid
Kekse60.00 €3/13/2022 10:55:09 PMBidagent autobid
sandycay55.00 €3/13/2022 10:35:14 PMBidagent autobid
Kekse50.00 €3/13/2022 10:20:38 PMBidagent autobid
Globalminerals88845.00 €3/1/2022 3:33:25 PMBidagent autobid
Kekse40.00 €3/13/2022 10:20:34 PM
Globalminerals88835.00 €3/1/2022 3:33:25 PMBidagent autobid
minhunter30.00 €3/2/2022 2:32:59 PM
Globalminerals88825.00 €3/1/2022 3:33:25 PMBidagent autobid
minhunter20.00 €3/2/2022 2:32:39 PM
Globalminerals88815.00 €3/1/2022 3:33:25 PM
thedutcher10.00 €2/27/2022 8:12:47 PMBidagent autobid


One of the most coveted Tsumeb classics is this amazing colour combo: discrete rich emerald green Dioptase set on colour contrasting white Calcite. And it must be the sparkling kind of white Calcite, not the bland white pasty luster of some. This specimen is such an example - a superb miniature! Highly lustrous and translucent, deep emerald green Dioptase crystals are emplaced beautifully on white calcite. Despite not absolutely perfect this is anyway a great piece and compared with the prices they are asking in the internet a relatively highly valuable specimen. A distinct cleaning could improve the specimen a lot.
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