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Ajoite in Quartz

Messina Mine | Vhembe District | Limpopo | South Africa

( 33 Bids )

~ 180.00 €
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9/11/2022 11:00:00 PM(CEST)UTC+2
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Article ID
8.1 x 4.4 x 3.0 cm
Size Description
Small Cabinet
Article ID
8.1 x 4.4 x 3.0 cm
Size Description
Small Cabinet
Bid History
BidderBid AmountBid Time 
rsmystic180.00 €9/7/2022 11:40:28 PM
Enhydro175.00 €9/1/2022 10:50:17 AMBidagent autobid
Enhydro160.00 €9/1/2022 10:50:17 AMBidagent autobid
rsmystic155.00 €9/7/2022 11:40:15 PM
Enhydro140.00 €9/1/2022 10:50:17 AMBidagent autobid
rsmystic135.00 €9/7/2022 11:40:07 PM
Enhydro130.00 €9/1/2022 10:50:17 AMBidagent autobid
rsmystic125.00 €9/7/2022 11:40:02 PM
Enhydro120.00 €9/1/2022 10:50:17 AMBidagent autobid
rsmystic115.00 €9/7/2022 11:39:47 PM
Enhydro110.00 €9/1/2022 10:50:17 AMBidagent autobid
ckt8pm105.00 €9/6/2022 9:20:37 AM
Enhydro100.00 €9/1/2022 10:50:17 AMBidagent autobid
ckt8pm95.00 €9/6/2022 9:19:38 AM
Enhydro90.00 €9/1/2022 10:50:17 AM
Globalminerals88885.00 €8/29/2022 8:42:45 AMBidagent autobid
Globalminerals88865.00 €8/29/2022 8:42:45 AMBidagent autobid
SA385360.00 €8/30/2022 10:47:43 AM
Globalminerals88855.00 €8/29/2022 8:42:45 AMBidagent autobid
Agricola50.00 €8/29/2022 10:01:19 AM
Globalminerals88845.00 €8/29/2022 8:42:45 AMBidagent autobid
Agricola40.00 €8/29/2022 10:01:06 AM
Globalminerals88835.00 €8/29/2022 8:42:45 AM
Adrien3330.00 €8/29/2022 1:28:20 AMBidagent autobid
Adrien3325.00 €8/29/2022 1:28:20 AMBidagent autobid
12sulcar7920.00 €8/29/2022 8:40:24 AM
Adrien3315.00 €8/29/2022 1:26:28 AM
rsmystic10.00 €8/28/2022 10:43:30 PMBidagent autobid


Here we have a fine specimen of desired Ajoite -ncluded Quartz crystals from Messina Mine of Vhembe District in South Africa. Powder-blue Ajoite is dramatically included in the termination of this sharp and lucent to transparent Quartz crystal from a very old find in the 1960s. Minor bruising at the tip and significant, slightly recrystallized contacts at the backside. This is an impressive, highly representative example of the very rare copper silicate, named after its discovery locality, the New Cornelia Mine, Ajo, Arizona.
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