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Fluorite on Quartz

La Collada | Berbes-Caravia | Ribadesella | Asturias | Spain

( 50 Bids )

~ 268.96 $
incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Costs
Reserve Price
No reserve Price
2/6/2022 11:12:00 PM(CET)UTC+1
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Article ID
9.1 x 6.1 x 4.1 cm
Size Description
Small Cabinet
Article ID
9.1 x 6.1 x 4.1 cm
Size Description
Small Cabinet
Bid History
BidderBid AmountBid Time 
usr01247.00 €2/6/2022 11:04:12 PMBidagent autobid
Private007242.00 €2/6/2022 11:06:31 PM
usr01237.00 €2/6/2022 11:04:12 PMBidagent autobid
Private007232.00 €2/6/2022 11:06:23 PM
usr01227.00 €2/6/2022 11:04:12 PM
Private007222.00 €2/6/2022 11:03:34 PMBidagent autobid
Private007217.00 €2/6/2022 11:03:34 PM
usr01212.00 €2/6/2022 10:54:56 PMBidagent autobid
usr01172.00 €2/6/2022 10:54:56 PMBidagent autobid
Suso167.00 €2/6/2022 10:59:59 PM
Private007165.00 €2/6/2022 10:59:46 PM
usr01160.00 €2/6/2022 10:54:56 PMBidagent autobid
usr01152.00 €2/6/2022 10:54:56 PM
Suso147.00 €2/6/2022 10:52:59 PMBidagent autobid
Suso145.00 €2/6/2022 10:52:59 PMBidagent autobid
bmah140.00 €2/6/2022 10:54:54 PM
Suso138.00 €2/6/2022 10:52:59 PMBidagent autobid
usr01133.00 €2/6/2022 10:54:47 PM
Suso128.00 €2/6/2022 10:52:59 PM
F_min123.00 €2/6/2022 10:48:13 PMBidagent autobid
jaymfriedman28118.00 €2/6/2022 3:01:31 PMBidagent autobid
F_min113.00 €2/6/2022 4:28:23 PM
jaymfriedman28108.00 €2/6/2022 3:01:31 PMBidagent autobid
F_min103.00 €2/6/2022 4:28:18 PM
jaymfriedman2898.00 €2/6/2022 3:01:31 PM
F_min93.00 €2/6/2022 11:04:16 AMBidagent autobid
jaymfriedman2888.00 €2/6/2022 3:14:14 AMBidagent autobid
F_min85.00 €2/6/2022 11:04:06 AM
jaymfriedman2880.00 €2/6/2022 3:14:14 AMBidagent autobid
F_min75.00 €2/6/2022 11:04:00 AM
jaymfriedman2870.00 €2/6/2022 3:14:14 AM
NGS7065.00 €2/2/2022 10:49:40 AMBidagent autobid
estmin60.00 €2/1/2022 8:32:24 PMBidagent autobid
Stoasucha55.00 €2/1/2022 5:09:37 PMBidagent autobid
lanC50.00 €2/1/2022 3:37:07 PMBidagent autobid
Stoasucha45.00 €2/1/2022 9:07:06 AMBidagent autobid
lanC40.00 €1/31/2022 6:47:59 PMBidagent autobid
Stoasucha35.00 €1/31/2022 4:54:48 PMBidagent autobid
Stoasucha30.00 €1/31/2022 4:54:42 PM
italianminerals30.00 €1/31/2022 9:34:11 AMBidagent autobid
italianminerals25.00 €1/31/2022 9:34:11 AMBidagent autobid
Stoasucha20.00 €1/31/2022 4:54:36 PM
italianminerals15.00 €1/31/2022 9:34:11 AM
usr0110.00 €1/30/2022 5:17:44 PMBidagent autobid


A typical style and combination piece from La Collada of the Berbes-Caravia mining area in Asturias, Spain. Here we see numerous intensive violet cuboctahedrons of Fluorite, contrastful scattered over relatively large, sharp and shiny Quartz crystals. The Fluorites are sharp edged and highly lustrous as well and all cetral crystals are pristine. A beautiful piece with great aesthetics and contrast. This find is a few decades or so ago and consequently, such items are still history and difficult to obtain.
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