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La Gardette | Bourg d´Oisans | Grenoble | Isère | Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes | France

( 55 Bids )

~ 278.03 $
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12/11/2022 11:00:00 PM(CET)UTC+1
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Article ID
4.0 x 3.1 x 2.4 cm
Size Description
Article ID
4.0 x 3.1 x 2.4 cm
Size Description
Bid History
BidderBid AmountBid Time 
Zinnober255.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
TheRock1250.00 €12/11/2022 9:44:35 PM
Zinnober245.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
TheRock1240.00 €12/11/2022 9:44:22 PM
Zinnober235.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
TheRock1230.00 €12/11/2022 9:44:13 PM
Zinnober225.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
TheRock1220.00 €12/11/2022 9:44:01 PM
Zinnober215.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
TheRock1210.00 €12/11/2022 9:43:54 PM
Zinnober205.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
TheRock1200.00 €12/11/2022 9:43:41 PM
Zinnober195.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
TheRock1190.00 €12/11/2022 9:43:28 PM
Zinnober185.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
TheRock1180.00 €12/11/2022 9:43:22 PM
Zinnober175.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
TheRock1170.00 €12/11/2022 9:43:14 PM
Zinnober165.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
TheRock1160.00 €12/11/2022 9:43:07 PM
Zinnober155.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
6lEONARDO4150.00 €12/11/2022 11:44:50 AM
Zinnober145.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
6lEONARDO4140.00 €12/11/2022 11:44:44 AM
Zinnober135.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
6lEONARDO4130.00 €12/11/2022 11:44:37 AM
Zinnober125.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
6lEONARDO4120.00 €12/11/2022 11:44:25 AM
Zinnober115.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
6lEONARDO4110.00 €12/11/2022 11:44:13 AM
Zinnober105.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
6lEONARDO4100.00 €12/11/2022 11:44:04 AM
Zinnober95.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
6lEONARDO490.00 €12/11/2022 11:43:57 AM
Zinnober85.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PMBidagent autobid
6lEONARDO480.00 €12/11/2022 11:43:49 AM
Zinnober75.00 €12/9/2022 5:30:36 PM
Christian70.00 €12/5/2022 10:28:03 PMBidagent autobid
Scottydanger66.00 €12/5/2022 10:30:17 PM
Christian61.00 €12/5/2022 10:28:03 PM
Scottydanger56.00 €12/5/2022 2:04:26 PMBidagent autobid
Scottydanger50.00 €12/5/2022 2:04:26 PM
sniper45.00 €12/5/2022 2:03:44 PMBidagent autobid
Scottydanger40.01 €12/5/2022 1:40:19 AMBidagent autobid
Scottydanger40.00 €12/5/2022 1:40:19 AMBidagent autobid
sniper35.00 €12/5/2022 2:03:27 PM
Scottydanger30.00 €12/5/2022 1:40:19 AMBidagent autobid
sniper25.00 €12/5/2022 2:03:09 PM
Scottydanger20.00 €12/5/2022 1:40:19 AMBidagent autobid
sniper15.00 €12/5/2022 2:02:59 PM
Scottydanger10.00 €12/4/2022 11:23:08 PM


Many years ago these gemmy, beautiful amber-brown Axinites (now renamed officially as Ferroan Axinite or Axinite-Fe) from La Gardette of Bourg d´Oisans were the world´s best for the species. Today, the high alpine clefts rarely produce fine pieces and these old classics are considered to be antique treasures. The quality, transparency, size, and sparkle of these crystals from France has been surpassed only very rarely in modern times, by Axinite from the Urals and a few fine specimens from Northern California. Even then, those are different in habit and aspect. This fine Axinite specimen hosts several, sharp, axe-like, glassy and gemmy, clove-brown crystals, with one exposed major crystals to 2,6 cm across. This is a significant, classic specimen from a locality that goes back hundreds of years as one of the most famous in Europe for minerals.
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