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Proustite on Arsenic

NIederschlema | Schlema | Erzgebirge | Saxony | Germany

( 38 Bids )

~ 278.68 $
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7/10/2022 11:07:00 PM(CEST)UTC+2
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Article ID
4.0 x 2.7 x 2.0 cm
Size Description
Article ID
4.0 x 2.7 x 2.0 cm
Size Description
Bid History
BidderBid AmountBid Time 
Rinchen256.00 €7/10/2022 10:55:16 PMBidagent autobid
nobody251.00 €7/10/2022 11:01:41 PM
Rinchen246.00 €7/10/2022 10:55:16 PMBidagent autobid
nobody241.00 €7/10/2022 11:01:09 PM
Rinchen236.00 €7/10/2022 10:55:16 PMBidagent autobid
nobody231.00 €7/10/2022 11:00:52 PM
Rinchen226.00 €7/10/2022 10:55:16 PMBidagent autobid
nobody221.00 €7/10/2022 11:00:40 PM
Rinchen216.00 €7/10/2022 10:55:16 PMBidagent autobid
nobody211.00 €7/10/2022 10:59:59 PM
Rinchen206.00 €7/10/2022 10:55:16 PM
avalos201.00 €7/10/2022 7:21:10 PMBidagent autobid
avalos151.00 €7/10/2022 7:21:10 PMBidagent autobid
Jhorn146.00 €7/10/2022 10:37:45 PM
avalos121.00 €7/10/2022 7:21:10 PMBidagent autobid
Jhorn116.00 €7/10/2022 9:26:28 PM
avalos111.00 €7/10/2022 7:21:10 PMBidagent autobid
Jhorn106.00 €7/10/2022 9:24:55 PM
avalos101.00 €7/10/2022 7:21:10 PM
jaymfriedman2896.00 €7/10/2022 1:13:03 AMBidagent autobid
jaymfriedman2875.00 €7/10/2022 1:13:03 AMBidagent autobid
Agricola70.00 €7/10/2022 3:39:52 PM
jaymfriedman2865.00 €7/10/2022 1:13:03 AMBidagent autobid
Agricola60.00 €7/10/2022 3:39:32 PM
jaymfriedman2855.00 €7/10/2022 1:13:03 AMBidagent autobid
Agricola50.00 €7/10/2022 3:39:16 PM
jaymfriedman2845.00 €7/10/2022 1:13:03 AM
Globalminerals88840.00 €7/5/2022 3:13:15 PMBidagent autobid
Agricola35.00 €7/4/2022 5:20:47 PMBidagent autobid
Globalminerals88830.00 €7/5/2022 3:13:10 PM
Agricola25.00 €7/4/2022 5:20:47 PMBidagent autobid
Globalminerals88820.00 €7/5/2022 3:13:01 PM
Agricola15.00 €7/4/2022 5:20:47 PM
frank_gold10.00 €7/3/2022 9:50:54 PMBidagent autobid


Here we have a beautiful matrix piece of most desired Saxonian silver-sulfosalt Proustite from the famous locale Niederschlema in Erzgebirge. Still the botryoidal native Arsenic would be a fine specimen by its own, but in association with this excellent Proustite cluster it is almost a killer. Definitely a SUPERB, gemmy and lustrous, deep cherry-red Proustite miniature from Niederschlema. This beauty is eminently viewable from the display face, has only very minor imperfection and is definitely Holy Grail quality. The backside of the piece hosts negative botryoids of native Arsenic covered with tiny but sparkly Proustites as well. A stunning mini in any case and exceeding hard to get hold of nowadays.
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