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Bournonite on Siderite
Georg Mine | Willroth | Horhausen | Westerwald | Rhineland-Palatinate | Germany
Size: 4.4x3.4x2.5cm
Bid: 21.00 € ~ 22.06 $ incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Costs
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Bournonite on Rhodochrosite
Pachapaqui | Bolognesi Province | Áncash | Peru
Size: 7.7x6.8x3.0cm
Price: 850.00 € ~ 893.10 $ incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Costs
Peruvian mines are known for their excellent sulfosalts. The Bournonite from the Julcani Mine (#6042) is one example, and this Bournonite on Rhodoc ...
Julcani Mine | Julcani District | Angaraes Province | Huancavelica | Peru
Size: 6.2x5.1x3.4cm
Price: 350.00 € ~ 367.74 $ incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Costs
What an extremely aesthetic specimen with three excellently crystallized Bournonite cogwheel clusters. They sit wonderfully exposed on beige, disc- ...
Herodsfoot Mine | Liskeard | Cornwall | England
Size: 4.1x2.5x2.0cm
Price: 2,500.00 € ~ 2626.75 $ incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Costs
Up until the end of the 19th century, the Bournonite specimens from the venerable Herodsfoot Mine, approximately 5 km southwest of Liskeard, has se ...
Neue Hoffnung Gottes Mine | Bräunsdorf | Freiberg | Erzgebirge | Saxony | Germany
Size: 5.2x3.6x2.3cm
Price: 1,800.00 € ~ 1891.26 $ incl. VAT, excl. Shipping Costs
This unique specimen is loaded with finest multifaced Bournonite crystals and despite the specimen is not perfect, THIS IS A KILLER PIECE ALL THE W ...